Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Baby-holding time

Janet holding Claire and Jonah

Lynne holding Jonah and Janet holding Claire
Lynne holding Jonah and Janet holding Claire
Lynne holding Claire
Lynne holding Claire
Allen, Tony, and Matt holding Claire
Matt holding Claire
Nelda holding Jonah
Jason holding Jonah and Kim holding Claire
Matt holding Jonah--this is one of my favs
Katie holding Jonah

Allen holding Claire
Jon holding Claire


Nancy Hood said...

wasn't that such a special time for all of you!

Trey and Stephanie said...

Wow! I missed alot since are a busy lady. I think I got 2 done since will just leave one comment for all since I am so late getting to it. I love the jonah and claire letters. I would love those for my babies..very cute! great pics of everyone and I must say it looks like everyone has slimmed up since Christmas. I guess we are all getting healthy. Except jonah man and claire who seem to be putting the pounds on! But we love that b/c its a good thing. Lots of great pics. I bet you are looking forward to your vacation! You guys will have a blast!

Tony and Susan said...

i still can't believe they were that little! (and i'm pretty sure i say that on every post!) it seems like SO LONG ago that they were that little!

Michael and Hannah said...

I know you must be in HEAVEN right now soaking up as much baby loving as you can up there in N.C.!