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Friday, October 31, 2008

'Boo' Babies

Last year I was with the babies on Halloween. Since we were not going to be with them on Halloween this year, we got to dress them up in their costumes a few weeks early so that I could take some pics of them. Are they adorable or what?!

Allen holding Jonah.
Lady Bug ClaireTony holding Claire.
And Tony holding little pumpkin man, Jonah.



Nancy Hood said...

oh these are sweet! and the black and white of her trying to get his toy is precious~

Tony and Susan said...

now we want to see gigi and pops in their halloween costumes :)

Michael and Hannah said...

Such sweet pictures! They're just a tad bit bigger than last year, huh? ;o)

Trey and Stephanie said...

they were so stinkin cute that night, with jman trying to cram bubble gum, and little cbear just hanging out trying to get brother to share the action!..great pics!