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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

We spent part of Thanksgiving Day in Andulusia with Susan's family. This is Achin' Acres--the place where the family used to have their Thanksgiving dinner. It recently burned, but we went there to look around.

We took the babies out into the cotton field across the street from the old house. Jonah was more interested in the sticks than the cotton!

But Claire was into picking the cotton!
When Jonah first saw Matt, he would just scream! But he finally warmed up to his Uncle Matt and fell asleep in his arms.

For some reason, I did not get many pics after we got back home Thanksgiving night. But here is one that I got of Jonah, Katie, Claire and Allen.


Nancy Hood said...

Aren't you just!!!

Trey and Stephanie said...

its a good time this get a lot of baby time in two months! they are growing a changing so much! looks like the whole family had a wonderful thanksgiving

Tony and Susan said...

thanks for taking all those pictures!! glad you guys got to go with us!